Basically I'm complicated.

Ahmed @ArabFreak


Cairo, Egypt

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This is how you lose friends

Posted by ArabFreak - December 28th, 2008

http://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/10 10748

I hate living in Egypt. I generally don't like most of my friends because I have almost nothing in common with them, and the ones I do like are foreigners. Why? Because as some of you can most probably tell, I'm a westernized Egyptian living as an expatriate in his own country. I feel like I belong elsewhere, like the US or UK. THIS is why I resort to the internet to get what I call my "fix" of western culture.

About a year ago I ran into this girl called Sara through Facebook. She had lived her entire life in Virginia and just moved to Egypt with her mother and sister. She hated life here just as much as I did, seemingly for the same reasons I had. We sorta clicked in a way, and we became friends (not close friends, just friends). To her, I was the sort of friend she can talk to about absolutely anything that comes into mind. She sort of had the same effect on me, mainly because I don't have a lot of people I can "be myself" around. Hence why I like hanging out with foreigners and other westernized Egyptians like myself.

A few facts about this girl before I continue:

- She's 4"11.

- She spent her senior year of high school here, and is now in her first year of university.

- She goes to this CRAP university called Modern Sciences and Arts. MSA is one of those universities that pick up losers with no future. It's easier to get into than community college. When I asked her why she went there instead of some respectable university like the American University in Cairo (which I'm in), she told me it was because her father told her that the lower the university fees, the higher the chance of her getting a car.

- She hates her friends. All of them. She calls them "fake". When I offered to introduce her to some "real" people who at least make MY life in this country bearable, she rejected me. Her "fake" friends hate her because they get that "dislike vibe" whenever they talk to her. She's also pretty stuck-up and egotistical.

- We only talk to one another online or over the phone. I've only met her in person a few times before the summer, then I started seeing her on a daily basis after she started university (I go to her uni to drop off and pick up my sibling. Usually I'll hang around the place as I have lots of friends in it).

- Her grandmother recently developed lung cancer because of her smoking habit. Sara was a non-smoker when that happened, and she made it clear that she hated smokers because of her grandmother's fate. What's sad now is that she started smoking a few months ago, taking a few puffs here and there, and now it's impossible to see her without a cigarette in her hand.

- Slightly-relevant: I ran into her at a party in Halloween. We almost got into some fight, but being the bigger person I apologized to her.

Anyways, at some point in the future our conversations started becoming "bland". She'd usually cut things short or ask me what the hell was the point of what I just said. I didn't get what went wrong, but knowing that I'll never find out for sure because she was a woman I backed off.

A few days later, the Bush-shoe incident happened. I was discussing it with her online and I jokingly told her "I guess he sure shoed him". She responded with "You're one cheesy mother. That made me sick." I thought she was kidding for a moment until she started insulting me, then blocking me. So I got on her Facebook wall and wrote this:

"I'm glad you showed me your true colors. I can finally see why so many people just don't like you now. Enjoy what's left of your life here."

I removed her from my friends and the next day I get this message in my inbox. Below is my response:

http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/796 6/

Btw, "zebby 3aleeky" is a very insulting Egyptian swear.

The next day at about 10 PM I get this phone call:



"Am I speaking to Ahmed Bially?"


"My name is Gamal Hamza, I'm Sara's friend."

"Yeah, hi."

"I want to see you."

"You want to see me?"

"Yes, I wanna meet you right now."

"Nah, I don't think so. I don't have time for you. You think it's normal to call people you don't know and meet with them?"

He handed over the phone to some other guy who kept swearing for about two minutes straight. I couldn't say anything back at the moment as I was sitting with my family at home, so I snuck into the kitchen and just as I got away from my family the dude hands over the phone back to Gamal.

"Listen you asshole, either you meet me or I'll get you using my own methods."

"<insults>, show me your methods motherfucker, I'm waiting."

Then I hung up because I was getting too loud.

I went to her university the next day, and she walked past me with a VERY annoyed look on her face. I looked back and smiled. Every now and then I'd glance at her and see her talking to some guy, then they'd both look at me. She's plotting to have her guy friends "do something about me". It's very pathetic.

Now even though I'm glad I got rid of this horrible excuse for a human being, I'm still a tad bit disappointed that I lost a friend I can relate to. I have very few people like her in my life, and although she may be a terrible person, she (unfortunately) has a brain. I thoroughly enjoyed our discussions, and so did she.

If there's one thing I'd like to share with you besides this story, it's this: always rub facts in people's faces instead of insulting them. I could've just called her a bitch and gotten it over with, but I knew it would not leave an unsettling burn in her lexicon. I needed something with a lasting effect, and I gave it to her in the form of detailing every little flaw of her character. She can't come up with a decent comeback.


that seems rough. But I think you did the right thing here.

There are always conciquences to choices my friend. Sometimes we do not know if they are the right choices from the concequences. Sometimes you just can't win and the only thing to do is give admit defeat, and that is what you did. Sure defeat never feels good and it will leave you with doubt, but you can't let defeat stop you. Don't stop your life because some bitch stood in your way of living your own life. Live on man! once your old enough see the world come to America! Be were you want to be. Be who you want to be! Live the way you want to live! The world keeps moving and time keeps rolling. The only thing from this experiance you should gain is that; you know she lost a good friend in you, one that truly liked her and felt for her. And now she will one day regret this moment in her life while you move on and forget. That will be the true burn that will stay with her for years to come. I really hope this helped you and I didn't type all of this for nothing. I put all my heart into this and I hope you make it through this. I hope you have a great life.

wow.Interesting story.The link doesn't work though.Also if she's planning something why don't you bring some protection?Like a pocket knife?

I've seen her come and go, looking at me like she doesn't even know me. So I'm pretty confident nothing will happen.

Copy-paste the entire link into your address bar, or just use the link in the thread at the top of the post if you're lazy.

Interesting story, but what do those Egyptian things mean? Like is there an English counterparts? Anyway, you did what was right for you. In the end, isn't that all you really wanted?

zebby 3aleeky = "my penis on you" (It's a lot more offending over here, believe me)

ma3andekeesh gamal tabee3y = "You have no natural beauty"

eb2y khaly el 7agat de tenfa3ek = "Let's see how far you'll get in life that way"

How immature, ugh. Just ignore her, she'll get bored and go bother other people. She isn't worth your time.

I got a 404 error with the image link. :/

For some reason there's a space between one of the characters. Just remove it.